Our time in Madrid is coming to an end, and soon most of us will be on our way back to the United States. Here in Madrid we have seen many exciting things, but yesterday we had a very interesting Easter Sunday. In the morning we went to Retiro, a huge and beautiful public park. At noontime we headed to the Plaza Mayor, where we witnessed a huge procession of purple-clad drummers march into the square and perform a traditional drum celebration commemmorating Christ's heartbeat. After this, we had lunch and took a typical Spanish siesta before heading to Madrid's famous Plaza de Toros Las Ventas bullring, where we watched a six-round bullfight. In the first round, the matador was hurt by the bull, but recovered quickly and finished the fight. In the third round, a different matador performed exceptionally well and recieved a standing ovation.
Today, we enjoyed our last day in Spain and, for the most part, wandered around Madrid shopping and taking in the sights. Now we are resting at home and packing for our journey home. Adios!
Kerri, Gitaine, and Chris

Drum band marching to Plaza Mayor

Man vs. Bull, round 5

Bullfight, round 6

Gitaine, Chris, Eli, and Kerri outside the bull ring

Observing the bullfight - Mike is stupefied while everyone else watches with enthusiasm