Sunday, April 1, 2012

Jerez de la Frontera

On our first day in Jerez, we oriented ourselves with the city and looked around the local shops. We found our new favorite bakery and a great new gelato hotspot. In the afternoon, we toured a world famous winery that has a branch that has been open since the 1600's.
Today, we took a train to Italica (an ancient Roman city). We explored the third biggest amphitheatre ever built by the Romans, where Gitaine gave her presentation on the history and uses of it. Following that, we ventured through the location of where the city once stood. The city's buildings were down to their foundations, but many of the mosaics were still intact. After the tour of Italica, we took a bus back to Sevilla, where we walked around the city, in the rain I might add. We ended our walk at the bus station, where we took a taxi to the train station and rode a train back to Jerez.
After returning back to Jerez, we walked into a Semana Santa (Easter) procession for Palm Sunday. During the procession we saw floats with the Virgin Mary and Jesus Christ that weighed thousands of pounds, which were carried on the necks of men. After enjoying the procession, we bought some dessert and headed back to the apartments, where we will savor some well-deserved rest.
Eli, Kerri, and Gitaine

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